S1E1 - Mothman is...strAInge

A look at Point Pleasant and Chicago's flying spectre of terror.
- Keel, John A. The Mothman Prophecies. New York: Tor Books, 1975.
- Colvin, Andrew. The Mothman Speaks. Charleston, WV: Mothman Press, 2014.
- Colvin, Andrew. Mothman’s Photographer II: Meetings with Remarkable Witnesses. Charleston, WV: Mothman Press, 2007.
- Redfern, Nick. The Black Diary: M.I.B, Women in Black, Black-Eyed Children, and Dangerous Books. Warwickshire, UK: White Crow Books, 2018.
- Colvin, Andrew. Flying Saucer to the Center of Your Mind: Selected Writings of John A. Keel. Charleston, WV: Mothman Press, 2012.
- Coleman, Loren. Mothman and Other Curious Encounters. New York: Paraview Press, 2002.
- Godfrey, Linda S. American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America. New York: TarcherPerigee, 2014.
- Garcia, Christopher. Claims Department: Mothman Edition. Self-published zine, 2020.
Podcast Episodes
- Monsters Among Us Podcast - Episode 7: The Mothman
- The Mothman Podcast - Episode 1: The Mothman Prophecies
- Lore - Episode 2: The Bloody Pit
- Sasquatch Chronicles - Episode 253: Mothman Encounters
- Astonishing Legends - Mothman: Part 1
- Into the Fray Radio - Episode 15: Mothman & Other Winged Humanoids
- The Mothman Prophecies (2002) directed by Mark Pellington
- The Mothman of Point Pleasant (2017) directed by Seth Breedlove
- Terror in the Skies (2019) directed by Seth Breedlove
- Mothman (2010) directed by Sheldon Wilson
YouTube Videos
- Mothman Documentary - Full Documentary (2017)
- The Mothman of Point Pleasant (2017) - Small Town Monsters
- Beyond Explanation: Mothman Encounters - Mysterious West Virginia
- The Mothman Sightings | The Lore You Know (2021)
- Terror in the Skies (2019) - Official Trailer
Additional Resources
- Mothman Museum (Point Pleasant, WV)
- Chicago Mothman - Phantoms and Monsters Blog
URL: https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/search/label/Chicago%20MothmanEpisode Notes
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